This is all my own work. Don't seal it or I'll have to hunt you down.

Don't follow me. Seriously. I bump into things.

Friday 18 June 2010

Chapter 4

I'm falling down the black spiral tunnel towards the land of Nod. Relief washes over me as I give up the fight & succumb to the dark. My eyes scream their gratitude when the Sandmans labours work & the scratchy achy tiredness hits my soul. But am I truly asleep, are my eyelids twitching the dance of the carefree? Yes, I think they might be.

My two new friends are waiting for me in the meadow, both looking happy to see me. I lean down and glide my fingers under the chin of my latest friend, he looks up elated to have finally found someone to love him. While I was awake, I pondered for a while over where I had seen my latest friend. Nothing came to mind. I cannot remember having met him ever. It's quite odd. On this, our second meeting, he seems even more familiar than the first. It's certainly something I'll have to ponder. The rainbow mists have gone now & wind has picked up in the meadow, the flowers & grasses are swaying gently & there's no bird song to serenade us. The slithering of the snakes is silent. Perhaps my latest friend had an entourage to guide him to me, to make sure the stranger (that's what I am in this place) would cause him no harm.

My little friend is still happily bouncing around to a tune in his head, he takes my hand & pulls me firmly to the edge of the clearing, butterflies are playing, dancing through the long grass. I sit watching them for what seems like ages. My latest friend has three legs. Not in a 'should be four' kind of way, he looks like he's always just had three. He gets around very well considering, his weight is evenly balanced between the three & he isn't falling over all the time. He doesn't look like a dog, he looks like a hairless boney platypus. Alot of his skin is missing & when he moves, bits of flesh drop to the ground. When I play with him & love him, it doesn' almost seems as though it heals. I like this thought. It makes me happy. I listen as I sit playing on the grass with my two new friends, the slithering sound has started again. I can't think why whatever it is doesn't just come over & say hello. I don't bite, not often anyway & even then there has to be alot of provocation or begging. I can see the path it's taking as it cuts a swathe through the grass in the meadow. I call out to it, it stops for a moment to consider it's options & then carries on it's way, slowly at first, then picking up speed it resumes it's previous course.

As I sit here, I'm thinking of the games I could bring for us to play. How I'm going to bring them I don't know, I've tried using my head to imagine them there & that hasn't worked (although it should because it's my dream after all) & the logistics of how to get things from waking to dreaming are something I shall once again have to ponder. I can see I'm going to have to do alot of pondering!

DING DONG! DING DONG! yes, awake again just as it was finally getting good! I guess I should answer the door then.

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