This is all my own work. Don't seal it or I'll have to hunt you down.

Don't follow me. Seriously. I bump into things.

Monday 28 June 2010

Chapter 8

I'm back in the meadow. I have company. Three Legs isn't running around playing with his new toy though. He's sat on the ground with me, shuddering. Goblin is keeping lookout as though he's expecting something & Bones is just sat there, looking at me. Bones doesn't have eyeballs but it seems he's looking at me & he's looking worried. I talk to them, tell them that they're in my dreams & not real, there's nothing to worry about because I can protect them. I have no idea if they're listening, I don't speak often & don't even know if they're able to understand me...I try to keep my voice soothing, my face calm & my movements slow & exact to convey the message I'm trying to send them.

Although not cold, the weather in my meadow is overcast, there is no sun. Dark clouds are forming, mixing in with the light ones & trying to take over...this is my happy place, why is it like this instead of sunny, or covered in rainbows. What has caused the sky to behave like this, why are my friends scared & shaking. I haven't got a clue but I think I'm going to find out soon enough. Goblin isn't dancing. Every sinew in his body is poised to attack & his breathing is shallow. I get up, walk over & take his hand. I smile...he just looks scared. He's muttering under his breath, I can barely make out the words but it sounds like he's whispering 'Pore & Lorr' over & over. 'Afrikalafrica' is mixed in there too & I'm wondering if that's the name of this place where I am. The slithering is noticeably absent today, or is it tonight, it's hard to tell. Bones rattles over to Goblin & I, Three Legs is still shaking & I beckon him over. I get the feeling it's best we stick together.

We stay in our little formation waiting for something to happen, but nothing does. It's a bit of an anticlimax really. At that moment I realise I know nothing about the beautiful little monsters that live in my world when I go to sleep. Do they have families, homes, pets etc the way the beings in my waking world do...or are they alone, all they have in the world is each other. Do they go home or do they merely cease to exist once I'm awake?? These are things I aim to find out, one way or another over the coming days I need to know. I should work on a way to communicate with them, we can tell moods & emotions all we need now is a common language.

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